PRODUCT.02Breathable Adhesive Tape (NITOTHROUGH)
Adhesive Tape That Allows Air and Water Vapor to Pass
"NITOTHROUGH" is a tape that uses breathable nonwoven fabric and adhesive technology. Although it is an adhesive tape that allows air and water vapor to pass through it, it is used for a variety of purposes, such as curing that requires air permeability, fixing fragrances, and filling up gas.
1. Permeation of air and water vapor
2. Permeability can be controlled at the time of manufacturing

Coats the Adhesive Into a Thin Fibrous Form
The adhesive that permeates air is processed by Nitoms' unique spray coating. As the adhesive is applied in a thin fibrous form, it can be made to have weak adhesive properties and breathability.
Adhesive TechnologiesExample of Application
Gas Venting Tape to Seal After Filling Refrigerator Insulation Materials
Urethane foam is injected into the refrigerator wall as insulation. However, the injected foaming agent is not completed as a heat insulating material unless the foaming gas is removed. Therefore, it is necessary to extract just the air without leaking the foaming agent. Nitoms' breathable adhesive tape is used for this venting work.

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- Medical Materials
- Medical materials made with low-irritation adhesives and highly flexible and moisture-permeable base material